Lady Amira el Moteeri Building
Latest Project Status: Schematic Design
Role: Design Architect
Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait
Size: 5,400 m2
Building Type: Residential
Date: 1971
This project marks as the first collaborative effort with Eng Essam Fahmy, and the first project which the second generation of RiadArchitecture brought forth to the office. Architect Mahmoud Riad (leader of the first generation of RiadArchitecture) was serving as the technical advisor of the Ministry of Housing in the Kingdom of Kuwait at the time, and he left office management and design duties to his sons, Mohamed and Ahmed Riad (who make up the second generation of RiadArchitecture). Egypt had just started to recover from an economic recession due to the 1967 war and death of President Gamal Abd el Nasser, which lead the office to look to the neighboring Gulf Countries to bring in work.